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Saturday, March 19th 2005, 10:43pm

[Kopete] Chat Window Quirks

Kopete 0.10 (Using KDE 3.4.0)

after closing and reopening a chat window a history of the messages is still retained in the window as opposed to it being blank like in the previous version.
i've tried disabling the history plugin and it is still the same.
how do change this?



Posts: 81

Location: Helsinki, Finland

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Sunday, March 20th 2005, 3:53pm

RE: [Kopete] Chat Window Quirks


Have you looked settings in ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc? I have an entry there that says

Source code

[History Plugin]

and I use history feature, so it might help if you change that true value to false or delete whole history plugin entry.
I have not tested that so take my answer with a grain of salt. :)
Siili teki maalin.


Sunday, March 20th 2005, 9:56pm

yeh didn't work.
even deleting the whole history plugin doesn't work either.
hmm strange maybe my distrib package is just broke... i'll get the source code and see if that helps.