Hey everyone,
Using linux on my laptop, I'm trying to set up my wireless capabilities in an easy-to-use way on KDE (and Gentoo) and I'm having some issues.
I have the luxury of living in an area with quite some wireless networks for me to connect to. Also on my university there are multiple networks that I should be able to connect to. Now this is all great, but to connect to a network I need a root console and do
Source code
# iwlist scan
# iwconfig eth1 essid network-name
# /etc/init.d/net.eth1 restart
Now I know about kwifimanager, waveselect and some other apps to do most of this for me, but I still need root privileges for those to work correctly.
So what's the best thing to do here? Is there a way to circumvent root privileges for this? Should I become a member of a certain group? Should I suid the needed tools (iwlist? iwconfig? iw*? ifconfig? dhcpcd? /etc/init.d/net.eth1?) Any other suggestions? I've seen that on OSX switching networks is a two-click task. How near can I get to that on linux?
Also, on my university, On some networks a rather sophisticated authentication method is used. I'm no guru in this area so it hardly makes any sense to me but I caught the terms certificate, TTLS and PAP. With help from these forums and the ipw2100 mailinglist I (barely) managed to get it working using xsupplicant. There were still problems, like not being able to reconnect after I got out of the associated accesspoint's reach. It also required me to execute quite a lot of initialization commands. This was with xsupplicant 0.8. After xsupplicant 1 got stable on x86, it failed to parse my .conf file and I haven't got it working yet. I'm considering using wpa_supplicant since it looks a little simpler, but here too, is there any way for me to simplify these processes? (Yes, I could throw everything in a shellscript, for which I would again need root privileges, but I'd rather have some GUI for this if it's available)
So basically, I can manage but I'd like it to work a little more smooth. I'm looking for tips, hints, or just general opinions on the usability of wireless networking on linux as a whole and, more specifically, KDE. How do you guys make connecting to your networks easier?