I've followed the HOWTO on installing samba from CVS to get libsmbclient.h/so, and that worked fine
I ran ./configure in kdebase-3.3.2 and it still warned me about not having them
simple enough, I linked /usr/local/include/libsmbclient.h to /usr/local/samba/include/libsambaclient.h and /usr/local/lib/libsmbclient.so to /usr/local/lib/libsambaclient.so
I ran ./configure again and it went smooth as silk
I've tried building the whole package, just kioslave, and just kioslave/smb
but still when I try to use smb:/ I get the error that it can't find kio_smb, which is true, there is no /usr/local/kde/kio_smb
and when I do a 'locate kio_smb' I get:
so, I really don't know where to go from here