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Sunday, March 6th 2005, 9:05pm

Fonts show as Italic

All of my fonts in the KDE environment -- toolbars, menus, etc., show up as Italic even though I select Regular. I had this problem once before and fixed it in kcontrol by selecting Helvetica instead of whatever else I had selected to solve a problem in another application. Now I don't seem to be able to fix it at all; somehow it seems to display the italic bitmap instead of regular. Any thoughts?

On a related subject, can someone tell me how to interpret the font strings found in kdeglobals and elsewhere?
e.g <fontname> ,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0.

So far I've figured out that the 50 is replaced by 75 for Bold Italic, and there is a 1 before the string of 0s when it's bold.