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Friday, February 25th 2005, 9:05pm

an ugly qgroupbox

amaroK supports two SQL backends. The configuration for this is in the Settings dialog but not the first-run wizard, where it really should be as well. So in designer I copied and pasted the the database settings into its own .ui file. In 'configdialog.cpp' where the dialog is put together from several UI files into a KConfigDialog, I did the following:

Source code

m_dbSetupFrame = new DbSetup(m_opt7->groupBox9);
Pretty simple it would seem like. DbSetup is the class defined by the .ui file I created, groupBox9 is group box I'm trying to add it to. But it looks like this:

What gives? It should show the title of the qgroupbox "Collection Database" and not cut off the top of DbSetup.

I tried a few things (thats how groupBox9 got its name, it was something logical before) but the same result. I added a verticle layout to DbSetup to no avail.


Saturday, February 26th 2005, 1:47am

Well, I solved this by using the custom widget feature of Qt Designer. Um, I'm not sure why this didn't work originally. But anyways: use the custom widget feature when you can, its cool. 8)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "eean" (Feb 26th 2005, 1:47am)