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  • "brockers" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: USA

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Wednesday, February 23rd 2005, 11:42pm

Help with KDE XML GUI menu setup

I have a toolbar/menu list that needs to be a "radio" style list (select a single option from a given list of options.) I checked out some example code in a couple different KDE projects to see how them implement the same functionality and started using KSelectAction.

It seems to work out ok, but I still have a problem. The actions list changes based on configuration settings (i.e. option 3 may or may not exist for a given configuration.) Now I don't mind "graying out" the option and I don't mind removing the option; but I don't seem to be able to do either without restarting the application. Evidently KSelectAction cannot be grayed out. I have failed to figure out how to remove an item from the KSelectAction after it has been build when the application is first started up.

So my question is. Am I using the correct KAction object from what I need to do? If so, how can I remove a item from the KSelectAction list AFTER I have built it? What is the best way single this change from my configuration dialog to my main application dialog?

If this is a pathetic question, I am sorry. I am still getting used to KDE development and sometimes get easily lost.




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Location: Graz, Austria

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Saturday, March 5th 2005, 4:01pm

You could clear the select action and fill in the currently available items.

Or use different instance of SelectAction and user KXMLClient::unplugActionList to change between them:…Client.html#a21

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