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Original von user222
1.) cannot show hidden files and folders
2.) pressing [up[ at the top jumps to the last row in the window
3.) pressing [down] jumps to the top row in the window
4.) pressing [left] at the leftmost row jumps to rightmost row above it,
5.) pressing [right] at the rightmost row jumps to the leftmost row below it
Wow, that's really complicated. ;-)Quoted
Original von pojo
Unless you dutifilly tap the arrow key over to 7, then down one, examine the contents of the row, and so on, you're going to overshoot and jump back to either 6 or 3, totally not where you wanted to be. However if these features were not in place you could just hold the left arrow for a second, then hold the down arrow for a second, and you'd be there. I do it all the time (in Windows at work)
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