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Tuesday, October 12th 2004, 7:22pm

restore a desktop applet


I've managed to delete volume control from the list of desktop applets. How can I get it back?



Tuesday, October 12th 2004, 10:34pm

Re: restore a desktop applet


Original von Donald


I've managed to delete volume control from the list of desktop applets. How can I get it back?


Right-click an empty space on the panel, then select
Add -> Applet -> Sound Mixer


Thursday, October 14th 2004, 10:26pm

Brilliant! So simple. I should of thought of it.

Many thanks.



Friday, October 15th 2004, 7:20am

Ah! I've just tried your solution. A little problem. There is no sound mixer listed among the applets that I could add.

How can I get the mixer back in the list?



Friday, October 15th 2004, 8:16am


Original von Donald

Ah! I've just tried your solution. A little problem. There is no sound mixer listed among the applets that I could add.

How can I get the mixer back in the list?


Is it just grayed out or is it missing from the list?

Do you (still) have the kmix program installed?

On Debian it's in a separate package "kmix" and both the stand-alone app and the applet are in there. What's your distro? What's your KDE version?


Friday, October 15th 2004, 6:19pm

Sorry I should have said all this in the first post. I'm running SuSE 9.1 with KDE 3.3. The sound mixer is missing completely from the list but I do have KMix and KAMix installed. They are both there under the KMenu n the Multimedia section. I run KMix and it will then appear in the system tray but on rebooting has disappeared again.



Friday, October 15th 2004, 7:14pm


Original von Donald

The sound mixer is missing completely from the list but
Strange. No idea, sorry.


Monday, October 18th 2004, 7:49am

Fixed it! So simple I could kick myself. In KMenu Edit simply go to KMix and there is an option to add it to the system tray!!

That's the nice thing about Linux - easy solutions to problems but you can go round in circles for a while trying to find them. It all adds to the fun.
