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Friday, October 1st 2004, 2:00am

lock windows to desktop?

Is there any way to lock specific windows to the desktop in KDE 3.2? I would like to prevent certain windows such as Konsole from minimizing when 'show desktop' is clicked, either by modifying the show desktop command, or by changing a setting for each window.



Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Saturday, October 2nd 2004, 2:43pm

I think that to achieve that effect you would have to change to code itself. You can't configure how it works. It always hides all windows. Maybe you could write a dcop script that issues show desktop and then raises all konsoles but it's not the same thing.

I believe that in KDE 3.3 you can configure window specific settings. Nevertheless this won't solve the show destop issue.


Saturday, October 2nd 2004, 5:29pm

Thanks for the reply. That is what I was afraid of. I had a feeling that configuring show desktop was not really possible. Oh well, it was worth a shot.