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blu fire


  • "blu fire" started this thread

Posts: 20

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Thursday, July 15th 2004, 9:49pm

Virtual desktops disappeared

Does anyone know a way to retrieve my virtual desktops? I tried some form of karamba theme and now they're gone.




Posts: 257

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

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Friday, July 16th 2004, 2:00am

Retrieve like "Exactly what you had" or like "Recreate them"?

If the second then you can "Right Click Desktop"->"Configure Desktop"->"Multiple Desktops" and costumize them.

blu fire


  • "blu fire" started this thread

Posts: 20

Location: London

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Sunday, July 18th 2004, 12:08pm

I just want to get them back, as they've disappeared. I can't multitask on just one desktop..
I've tried so many things, I just cant find a way to get them back. I might just create a new user and copy my home folder over.