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Missing applictaions from KDE menu.
Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here and I hope someone can help. I recently purchased SuSE Linux 9.0 professional. I am a complete novice when it comes to Linux but I found the installation quite painless. All went well and was getting along fine with KDE but when I installed more programs from the DVD none of them showed up in the menu.
I guess you guys don't like Gnome but when I load that the apps are in the menu and work fine. I like KDE so would really appreciate some help.
I tried looking through the folders to find an equivalent of the Windows programs folder but nothing made much sense.
Thanks in advance.
(probably stretching my luck a bit but on my Toshiba SM30-304 laptop, I can't get the desktop to stretch to fit the widescreen display and my modem doesn't work. Any ideas?)
try this as root:
don't know if it works on suse...
Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately it doesn't work. I get "command not found"
Any other ideas?