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Friday, March 12th 2004, 4:04am

Can you open the cd tray using a configured key stroke?

Can you open the cd tray using a configured key stroke like in GNOME? :?


Friday, March 12th 2004, 6:22am

Re: Can you open the cd tray using a configured key stroke?


Original von omega21

Can you open the cd tray using a configured key stroke like in GNOME? :?

I don't know of any standard shortcut that ejects the CD
(unless you have a player running, then maybe...), but:

There is the eject command (not KDE-specific).
Just bind it to a key.

For example:
- Check that you have the eject command: On the command line,
say "eject". If you don't have it, install it. If it accesses
the wrong CD drive specify the correct one using a command
line option (see the man page).
- Right-click the K menu and launch the menu editor
- Create a new entry, enter the eject command
from above (including any options you need) into the command field.
- Uncheck the startup notification checkbox
- Specify a keyboard shortcut
- Save and you're done



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Sunday, March 14th 2004, 12:39pm

what does the post have to do with the poll?!?!?!

(and my brain hurt trying to think of the answer to it.)




Sunday, March 14th 2004, 2:28pm


My brain hurts too :D


If the creator wants an good topic then read others before post!