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Tuesday, November 25th 2003, 11:15pm

running kde apps on a specific desktop from command line

I'd like to launch an instance of konsole on my 6th virtual desktop on kde 3.1.4 startup. I have a link to konsole in ~/.kde3.1/Autostart/ but I can't find any docs indicating a command line option which would force the konsole to open on the 6th desktop.






Wednesday, November 26th 2003, 3:58am

howto start programs on a desktop of your choice

This problem was solved on the gentoo forums.... for anyone who is following, the solution is as follows:

kstart --desktop 6 konsole



Friday, December 5th 2003, 7:37pm

Re: howto start programs on a desktop of your choice


Original von muehlbucks

This problem was solved on the gentoo forums.... for anyone who is following, the solution is as follows:

kstart --desktop 6 konsole


This is great, and very helpful for a local system,
for startup of a prearranged setup of apps, but
what about the equivalent for remote systems?

E.g., I would like to have xload from system R
display on window Y on system L. I'd like to be
able to do something like this:
systemR# export DISPLAY=systemL:0.Y

systemR is not running KDE, so kstart isn't on that system (and I am fairly sure kstart wouldn't execute on the systemL but on systemR, which
won't give the desired results.)

Any suggestions here, or is it just not possible?
