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Sunday, May 2nd 2004, 7:53pm

KDE 3.2.2 installed to Slackware 9.1 via konstruct worked

After tying to download and hand-build the 3.2.2 release, I tried downloading a binary package from LinuxPackages (which didn't work - various dependencies which got complicated) - finally I actually READ the KDE site and saw the konstruct instructions. I was a bit skeptical, but I tried it, and it worked without problems. Running 3.2.2 now. Of course, konstruct is *not* a real option for those without a fast internet connection, but with one, and a good/fast processor and enough memory, it works.



Monday, May 3rd 2004, 12:42am

Sounds great :D ...........................I've been playing around with the official SlackBuild scripts with KDE-3.2.1, modifying them a bit, and I think I've got most of the wrinkles ironed out :wink:

I found out you need to have alsa-lib installed for aRts to build properly..........I didn't have alsa installed since I'm still using the 2.4 kernel with OSS enabled and no ALSA, but it seems I still needed to install the alsa-lib package................aRts will configure no problem without that lib, but when I ran 'make', it stopped when it didn't find (about halfway though the build, of course).........

I was using the BLFS book (Beyond Linux From Scratch) as a point of reference, also...........And none of the documentation I ran across mentioned that alsa-lib was actually a required lib, probably assuming everyone has ALSA installed :( .......................(I don't like to load a whole bunch of drivers for the kernel modules if I can get away with it, and ALSA has a bunch compared to the OSS modules ;))
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.