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Tuesday, October 28th 2003, 11:37pm

kalarmd running CPU at max load with Redhat 9

I've already posted this in the Feedback forum, but it was thought this might be more of a redhat related issue. Here's the problem:
when I log into a KDE session, kalarmd launches imediately, and holds the CPU at maximum load. This slows the system down a bit, so I usually kill it as soon as I log in. The more troubling part of this problem is that NO KDE-native apps (KOffice, KFormula, KBounce, etc...) will run. They just hold the CPU at max load, just as kalarmd did.
System Specs:
Intel P4 @ 2.6GHz
RedHat Linux 9, Kernel 2.4.20-20.9, all packages fully updated (could this be it?)

also, I cannot launch the KDE apps from GNOME. The result is the same.
"move it to the left" --me


Wednesday, October 29th 2003, 3:43pm

I probably should have mentioned in my first post, but not ALL KDE apps are broken. some, such as KWrite and Konqueror still work fine.
"move it to the left" --me


Tuesday, November 4th 2003, 6:46pm

It sounds like you have a kdeinit race condition but I have no idea how you could have gotten it. Did you install any third party apps?


Wednesday, November 5th 2003, 8:08pm

3rd party apps? relative to what? do you mean KDE-native apps that are distributed by someone else? I'm using a ditribution of Redhat that came with a book, Redhat Linux 9 Bible.
hmm the only thing i've had to reinstall was Xfree86... bu tI'm not even sure that's what triggered it. It could also have been a Redhat update (system's completely up2date!)
. My system was not in this state when I first installed everything, only recently.
"move it to the left" --me