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Tuesday, October 26th 2004, 6:18pm

How to get an A4 Tech dual-wheel mouse wheels to work?

OK, my question is as stated above, I know it might not quite be strictly a KDE problem, but I was hoping someone might have some ideas as to how to enable the mouse-wheels under Linux... Thanks for any possible reply ::-)

Posts: 13

Location: Singapore

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Saturday, March 25th 2006, 9:32am

RE: How to get an A4 Tech dual-wheel mouse wheels to work?

Hi there!

I think I've the exact same mouse;…ID=8&MNO=WOP-35 and have trouble getting all the mouse buttons to work. Pleas help!

Thx in advance
"Verily people are asleep, only upon death do they awaken."


Sunday, August 12th 2007, 1:11am

I don't know if you understand german, but here's a link:

or for english speakers:…ls_.28WOP-35.29

just a little bit tweaking with google or something similar...
Debian Linux, mix of stable, testing and unstable; KDE with Compiz Fusion >=0.52 (git)