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Sunday, November 9th 2003, 8:38pm

CD-R W not mounting to burn

I have an acer 4x4x6 CDRW, works well when mounted as a CDR but when I us xcdroast the program dosen't open nor does any other application to burn a cd, my question is how do I get the program to load and reconize the burnr


Monday, November 10th 2003, 7:13am

have you tried

$ cdrecord -scanbus

to locate your burner. This will give you info on your buner that will be helpful in the config of its use.
Have you used the command line version of burning cd's before going to a GUI


"Microsoft does not innovate. It buys, imitates, or steals. It makes things difficult for software developers, and thus eventually for users."


Monday, November 10th 2003, 10:46pm

No I haven't tried that as of yet, I'm faiirly new to this but and it's been a while since i've sat at a teminal, however I'm not new to computers I'll pick up on it again I"m sure, thanks.