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Wednesday, April 9th 2003, 3:17am

KsCD; No music

Hello Friends,

I have a little but frustrating problem with KsCD, KDE's cd player. I use KDE 3.1.1 and I have configured all the necessary settings for KsCD on my computer.

I can play CDs, but there is no music output to the speakers. I can hear every other sound, for instance when opening or closing windows or when kde is starting up and so on. But I can't get music output from cds.

Funny enough, KsCD shows the track number of the CD playing, the number of tracks the CD has, the current track playing and all other relevant information, but still there is no music output to the speakers.

Like I said, the desktop theme sounds and every other sound works, but music sounds from cds don't. :? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks. :)

KDE Seeker.


Wednesday, April 9th 2003, 10:45am

Maybe you have to connect the audio cable

There is a cable that is plugged from CD-ROM to sound card, whitout it your Audio CD not sound, in Linux, Window or whatever you use.
So open your PC and look for this cable.

If you don't know how to connect it, ask to your PC vendor o see your PC or sound card manual.

Greetings and bye


Thursday, April 24th 2003, 8:33pm

i have the same problem
i know there's a wire running from my CDROM to the soundcard cause i can play music cds in windows
Ride for Ruin and the Worlds Ending


Saturday, April 26th 2003, 7:08am

your cable from the CDROM to soundcard may be using the digital thingy instead of the normal connection

you need something to turn up the volume on that digital line
or just open up your box and switch the connection
Ride for Ruin and the Worlds Ending