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Friday, June 13th 2003, 1:02pm

QUAKE 3 ARENA Competition!

Hello Linux Gamers,

I would like to set-up a Q3A competition soon, so first I could like to find out how many people we have here that plays Q3A.

Secondly if you are interested reply to this message select a date.

Friday 27th of June or
Sunday 29th of June or
Friday 04th of July or
Sunday 06th of July or
Friday 11th of July or
Sunday 13th of July.

The Quake 3 Server will be available from 20:00 hours British time. Once I have seen how many people are interested and what the favourite date is, I will announce the server's name and date.

The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Monday, June 16th 2003, 4:10pm

:shock: There must be people out there that enjoys a good game!
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Monday, June 16th 2003, 4:13pm

Q3A game

Hi Dude,

I'm always up for a scrap, count me in. Sunday 29th is good for me, though I'm easy if that date's not possible.

I hope you've been practicing...Q3A ain't Tuxsurfer you know ;)

[size=1]"All your thread are belong to us"[/size]


Tuesday, June 17th 2003, 10:16am

I have my training session last night and I must admit that I am pretty rusty. :oops:
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Tuesday, June 17th 2003, 8:23pm

well, I've been playing nothing but MOHAA recently, so I guess the winner will be whoever is least rusty!

[size=1]"All your thread are belong to us"[/size]


Sunday, June 22nd 2003, 12:24am

Yea, I haven't played base Q3 much, only the mods. We should try some of the mods after playing base Q3 for variety.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Sunday, June 22nd 2003, 9:23am

So at the moment we are in 3 player, and are we all OK for Sunday the 29th ??? 8)
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Sunday, June 22nd 2003, 9:13pm

Maybe, I might be on vacation then.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Tuesday, July 1st 2003, 1:54pm

OK my first attempted in organizing did not go that well as I was the only one on the server, so lets try again on the Sunday 13th of July at 20:00 hours British Time. Coming on the day ICQ me to get the server's IP address. :-)
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Thursday, July 3rd 2003, 4:59pm

Sorry, I forgot. Can it be on Saturday. I can't make it on Sunday.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Thursday, July 3rd 2003, 7:49pm


Original von Kenneth

Sorry, I forgot. Can it be on Saturday. I can't make it on Sunday.

Have a look if I am online, and if I am will have a good game!
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Friday, July 4th 2003, 9:42pm

Yea, let's jsut chat on AIM and then play whenever we can both play.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Wednesday, July 9th 2003, 9:19am


Original von Kenneth

Yea, I haven't played base Q3 much, only the mods. We should try some of the mods after playing base Q3 for variety.

I forgot to ask, what mods do you play ?
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Saturday, July 26th 2003, 5:15am

I play Urban Terror, NAvy SEALs, True Combat, and Western Quake. I'm also watching the developement of Annihilation.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Saturday, July 26th 2003, 11:18am

I never heard of any of those mods, although I am looking forward for when they release Quake 4 , hopefully at the end of this year! :D

P.S. Where could I download those mods ???? And are they free or licensed?
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Sunday, July 27th 2003, 12:39am

All of those mods are free. Search for them on Urban Terror is making their 3.0 relaase on August 8, and NS: CO is supposed to have a new release soon too. Western Quake released their 2.0 Beta a while back, but no onep lays online for that mod though, even touhgt it's really great.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Sunday, July 27th 2003, 10:53am

That is great, thanks I found them now! I guess I'll have to try them out today :D
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Wednesday, January 7th 2004, 8:23am


Original von Kenneth

I play Urban Terror, NAvy SEALs, True Combat, and Western Quake. I'm also watching the developement of Annihilation.

Hey Kenneth I've tried some of those mods and some of them are nice but not all of them! :wink:

Pick a mod I'll get it installed and we'll have a mach! what do you say?
The Best Games are for Download @ GCCLINUX


Sunday, January 11th 2004, 11:37pm

Yea, sure, I can't wait. I can play defenitely on weekends. Any of the above mods are fine with me. My brother could host a server too if we need one.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."