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Sunday, May 23rd 2004, 8:12pm

everything in a mess. help needed!

hello everyone!

i DLed something from, and when i tried to compile, it said it needed qt-3.2 or higher. so i proceeded to install the necessary packages including redhat-artwork. after that my theme/style went from keramic to default, as a lot my theme/style got lost.

i DLed other themes from, but kcontrol doesn't list those new theme/styles everytime i install a new one. i've checked the paths with qconfig, searched manually and even checked the dirs in those paths, and sure, the files are there. it's just that i only get Bluecurve, and about 5 Qt styles. the others are being ignored! what gives? i even reverted to the old qt-3.1 and all required packages, but still i haven't restored anything.

after the upgrade from 3.2, then back to 3.1, i can't even compile, for heaven's sake, as the configure script keeps on telling me to install kdelibs, when both kelibs and kdelibs-devel are already installed! WTF!

everything's a mess here!

i just want my fave Keramic back! help needed!
