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Tuesday, November 11th 2003, 2:05am


ive seen kweather in this neat looking box on the screen. my kweather just sits on the panel looking ugly. did i explain it right? thanks alot
Gimp 1.3 rocks ! ! !


Tuesday, November 11th 2003, 7:33pm

my kweather is just a little applet on the *kicker* i want it to leave the kicker and move to a little box on the screen
Gimp 1.3 rocks ! ! !


Tuesday, November 11th 2003, 9:27pm

please help

let me bee more specific--I want kweather in a floating box on my desktop
Gimp 1.3 rocks ! ! !


Wednesday, November 12th 2003, 10:07am

I don't think you can. You might try superkaramba, it may be what you are looking for.


Wednesday, November 12th 2003, 1:21pm

what i want is liquid weather. i thought it was kweather but it is called liquid weather. i have it now.
Gimp 1.3 rocks ! ! !