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Tuesday, July 15th 2003, 4:17am

kdesu konqueror & --profile????


I'm a lycoris user, almost intermediate with linux, trying to modify some konq profiles.

Here's the thread at that details this issue:…rum=20&start=15

Perhaps kfmclient could solve this problem, but I'm not sure. i have the profile that works as regular user, but refuses to display the way i want it to running kdesu konqueror.

If anyone could spare the time and perhaps offer a fresh viewpoint, or even point out anything silly that we might have missed, it would be greatly apreciated.

from what we gather, this command should work:

kdesu konqueror --profile /opt/kde2/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement

but it doesn't.

konqueror --profile /opt/kde2/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement

this does though, but obviously not with su privledges...which is the whole point of this little experiment.

any tips would be most greatly apreciated.

thanks in advance for any insight....


Tuesday, July 15th 2003, 5:22am

nevermind...just needed quotes:

kdesu "konqueror --profile filemanagement"