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Thursday, May 1st 2003, 7:58am

Installing Screensavers...

Whaddup everyone, I am an uber-noob to KDE/SuSe...I have downloaded screensavers, themes, and whatnot, but I have no FAQ on how to get the screensavers installed, or how to pick the saver I want to use...I just downloaded the Fireworks SS, extracted the files to a new folder, but I can't figure out how to choose the saver, or install it for that matter...:?

Some help on this issue would be greatly appreciated...thx in advance.


Thursday, May 1st 2003, 8:42am

This depends on the screensaver, if you check the folder you extracted the files to you'll propably see a README file or INSTALL file which you should check out. There should be instructions on how to compile and install the screensaver there.

You can then pick a screensaver in the Control center under the 'Appearance & Themes'.
Beware of computer programmers that carry screwdrivers.


Friday, May 2nd 2003, 12:57am

I was looking thru the file, but, I couldn't really find anything, but then again it was late at I will have to check it out again tonight...thanks for the tip!!!