I first installed slackware 8.0 a long time ago, upgraded to 8.1 when that came out, and I've just recently upgraded again to slackware 9. 9 included 3.1, but when I started kde (by calling startkde from my .xinitrc file) everything started up, but with no fonts displayed at all. On the desktop, where the house and trashcan icons are, there is a underline next to each, where it's supposed to say "Home" and "Trash" I guess.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the kde packages, and removing everything followed by installing kdelibs and kdebase 3.1.1, but It's still not working. I've tried various system config changes, like running X in 75dpi and in 100dpi mode, and creating a DisplayMode entry in my XF86Config file. I've also tried upgrading to the latest driver for my nvidia card, but that didn't help either (I didn't think it would). Slack 9 ships with XFree 4.3.0, which is what is installed. Gnome and plain fluxbox work fine. Running Konqeror from either shows the same font problems. Any Ideas?