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Thursday, March 20th 2003, 12:17am

How can I put sound mixer Icon in to system tray?

I tried so many ways, but I still have trouble with that, can any body tell me how to do that? :?: thanx
Go forever with linux~!


Thursday, March 20th 2003, 1:17am

i think you need to change permissions of /dev/mixer /dev/dsp .

chmod 755 /dev/mixer

should be good.


Thursday, March 20th 2003, 8:47am

Fixed, thanx a lot~!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Go forever with linux~!


Saturday, March 22nd 2003, 9:52pm

Or you can always use the KMix applet.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Sunday, March 23rd 2003, 12:26am


Original von Kenneth

Or you can always use the KMix applet.

the kmix applet uses that device (/dev/dsp or /dev/mixer), if you launch it and save the session then kmix will remain however unless the user has the proper permissions that applet will be useless.