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Tuesday, October 19th 2004, 9:04am

kde remote file open


I have a strange problem with opening *some* files via KDE Open dialog (for Kate, Kwrite). Most of files open Ok, but on some files the 'transfer' dialog appears, downloads the file, and stops.

Here is sceenshot:

does anybody else experienced same problem? How to fix it? I even added new user on my Linux computer, logged, made absolutely new KDE session, and tried to do the same - with same results. For example I can edit fish://root@someserver/etc/hosts but I can not edit fish://root@someserver/etc/logrotate.d/apache




Posts: 1

Location: Pennsylvania

Occupation: Systems Engineer

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Monday, January 22nd 2007, 6:37pm


This is the forum I came to in order to find an answer to the problem you describe. However, I can tell you that it seems to be a limitation of some sort for lack of better reasons...I have also been told that it may be buffer related?

1024 bytes and below seems to be problematic when performing any I/O/file opens/copies with the fish protocol. I have yet to see a plausible explanation for this phenomena.

Can someone else shed light on this please?



Wednesday, January 24th 2007, 3:00pm

i do know some limitations have been fixed in fish for KDE 3.5.6, like the 2 gb limit for filetransfer. you might want to wait for the release announcement, try to find the commit, find out WHO fixed it, contact him/her and ask about this. that person might very well know about it :D

don't forget to report back, and probably add the info to some wiki or knowledge base if it helps :d
-=| life sucks deeply |=-