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Wednesday, August 4th 2004, 2:33am


Is there a way to set kopete to send an auto-reply to someone who messages you while you are away? Gaim does it and so do most of the other chat programs but kopete fits perfectly into my kde desktop.



Posts: 622

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Thursday, August 5th 2004, 1:39pm

Depending on the version of kopete that you are using...

Create a new message from the 'configure kopete' window.
Click on the smiley face icon on the menu bar, and select "set away" and choose the appropriate message.


Friday, August 6th 2004, 4:55am

This doesn't seem to work with ICQ though and it may not work with Jabber either. The only one it does seem to work for is MSN, which is kind of ironic since ICQ has had this notion for a long time whereas MSN does not...