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Wednesday, May 19th 2004, 6:12pm

Konqueror: "Unexpected end of data,..."

Hi. Konqueror will not load 30 % of the webpages that I attempt to visit. Here is an example of a message I received when visiting

"An error occurred while loading
Unexpected end of data, some information may be lost."

I checked my proxy settings, which are correct as I don't use a proxy. I recently upgraded from Suse 9.0 to Suse 9.1 with Linux 2.6 kernel and Konqueror 3.2.1 (fresh install). I had no problems with Konqueror in Suse 9.0 and Mozilla Firefox 0.8 seems to work fine on 9.0 and 9.1.

Any help would be great! It's bugging the heck out of me.
