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Sunday, March 21st 2004, 6:00am

PFS help.

After setting up pfs on port 8001 say, how would other access it. Do they hafta be on the local network or could they be anywhere? Thanks for any help that can be given.


Monday, March 22nd 2004, 12:56pm




Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Tuesday, March 23rd 2004, 7:43pm

If there is no additional restriction by the program, the port is accessible by all machines which can reach yours.

If you are behind a firewall or router it might block the port or not translate the address from external to internal addresses.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 4:34am

ok the router might be blocking things. What would the address be for the machine though? is there anyway of finding out?



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 9:39am

If the networks uses "private" addresses internally and only a few official addresses externally, the router has to map addresses, sometimes called NAT (network address translation)

Configuration of this is router specific, can't provide help here.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 7:53pm

ok thanks for the help. I got a warning saying i had a NAT problem with a bit toorent transfer, now i know what it is.


Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 9:06pm

This should be easily fixable since most routers provide an easy to use html interface you can generally access by typing the ip into any web browser.