I am behind a dsl router. With Miranda under Windoze this is no problem, so kopete shouldn't trouble with it either.
Here is my kopete output from console.
kopete &
[1] 3351
[markus@localhost markus]$ kopete: using X11 MIT Screensaver extension
kopete: [KopetePlugin* LibraryLoader::loadPlugin(const QString&)] Successfully l
oaded plugin 'cryptography'
kopete: [KopetePlugin* LibraryLoader::loadPlugin(const QString&)] Successfully l
oaded plugin 'contactnotes'
kopete: [KopetePlugin* LibraryLoader::loadPlugin(const QString&)] Successfully l
oaded plugin 'icq'
kopete: [void KopeteAccountManager::slotPluginLoaded(KopetePlugin*)] Creating ac
count for '234276432'
kopete: [virtual void OscarAccount::initEngine(bool)] accountId=234276432
kopete: [OscarConnection:
scarConnection(const QString&, const QString&, OscarC
onnection::ConnectionType, const QByteArray&, QObject*, const char*)] called, sn
='unknown' connName=''
kopete: [OscarSocket:
scarSocket(const QString&, const QByteArray&, OscarAccoun
t*, QObject*, const char*, bool)] connName= ICQICQ
kopete: [OscarChangeStatus:
scarChangeStatus(OscarSocket*, QWidget*, const char
*)] Called.
kopete: [void ICQContact::setOwnDisplayName(const QString&)] Called.
kopete: [void ICQAccount::reloadPluginData()] Called.
kopete: [ConnectionStatusPlugin::ConnectionStatusPlugin(QObject*, const char*, c
onst QStringList&)]
kopete: [KopetePlugin* LibraryLoader::loadPlugin(const QString&)] Successfully l
oaded plugin 'connectionstatus'
kopete: [KopetePlugin* LibraryLoader::loadPlugin(const QString&)] Successfully l
oaded plugin 'texteffect'
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::connect()] accountId='234276432'
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::setStatus(long unsigned int, const QString&)]
new status=0, old status=0
kopete: [const long unsigned int ICQAccount::fullStatus(long unsigned int)] ORin
g with show ip flag
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::setStatus(long unsigned int, const QString&)]
calling connect(), outgoingStatus=131072
kopete: [const long unsigned int ICQAccount::fullStatus(long unsigned int)] ORin
g with show ip flag
kopete: [void ICQAccount::connect(long unsigned int, const QString&)] accountId=
'234276432', status=131072, awaymessage=
kopete: [void ICQAccount::connect(long unsigned int, const QString&)] 234276432:
Logging in as 234276432
kopete: [void OscarSocket::doLogin(const QString&, int, const QString&, const QS
tring&, const QString&, long unsigned int, const QString&)] Connecting to 'login
.icq.com', port=5190
kopete: [void OscarSocket::doLogin(const QString&, int, const QString&, const QS
tring&, const QString&, long unsigned int, const QString&)] emitting statusChang
kopete: [void OscarAccount::slotOurStatusChanged(unsigned int)] Called; newStatu
kopete: [void OscarConnection::slotConnected()] We are connected to ''
kopete: [void OscarSocket::slotConnected()] Connected to login.icq.com, port 519 0
kopete: [void OscarSocket::slotConnected()] address() is mDirectIMMg r->address() is
kopete: [void OscarSocket:
nConnAckReceived()] Called.
kopete: [void OscarSocket:
nConnAckReceived()] ICQ-LOGIN, sending ICQ login
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendLoginICQ()] Sending ICQ login info... (CLI_COOKIE )
kopete: [void OscarSocket::encodePasswordXOR(const QString&, QString&)] Called.
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseConnectionClosed(Buffer&)] RECV (DISCONNECT)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseConnectionClosed(Buffer&)] found TLV(1) [UIN], u in=234276432
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseConnectionClosed(Buffer&)] found TLV(5) [SERVER]
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseConnectionClosed(Buffer&)] We should reconnect t o server '' on port 5190
kopete: found TLV(6) [COOKIE]
kopete: [void OscarSocket::connectToBos()] Cookie received!... preparing to conn ect to BOS server
kopete: [void OscarSocket:
nBosConnect()] Connected to, port 5190
kopete: Bos server ack'ed us! Sending auth cookie
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendCookie()] SEND (CLI_COOKIE) Mhh, cookies, let's g ive one to the server
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseServerReady(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_FAMILIES), got list of families
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendVersions(const WORD*, int)] SEND (CLI_FAMILIES)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMessageOfTheDay(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_MOTD)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseServerVersions(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_FAMILIES2), got list of families this server understands
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendRateInfoRequest()] SEND (CLI_RATESREQUEST)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_RATES), Parsing Rate Info Response
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] Rate classId=1
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] Rate classId=2
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] Rate classId=3
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] Rate classId=4
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRateInfoResponse(Buffer&)] Rate classId=5
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendRateAck()] SEND (CLI_ACKRATES)
kopete: adding classid 1 to RateAck
kopete: adding classid 2 to RateAck
kopete: adding classid 3 to RateAck
kopete: adding classid 4 to RateAck
kopete: adding classid 5 to RateAck
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestInfo()] Called.
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestMyUserInfo()] SEND (CLI_REQINFO)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendSSIRightsRequest()] SEND (CLI_REQLISTS)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendBuddyListRequest()] SEND (CLI_CHECKROSTER) Requesting SSI data
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestLocateRights()] SEND (CLI_REQLOCATION), Requesting rights for location service
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestBuddyRights()] SEND (CLI_REQBUDDY), Requesting rights for buddy service
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestMsgRights()] SEND (CLI_REQICBM), Requesting rights for ICBM (instant messages)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestBOSRights()] SEND (CLI_REQBOS) Requesting BOS rights
kopete: [void OscarSocket::requestInfo()] resetting gotAllRights to 0!
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseBOSRights(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYBOS)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYICBM) Parsing ICBM rights
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] channel=2
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] messageFlags=3
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] maxMessageSnacSize=512
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] maxSendWarnLvl=999
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] maxRecvWarnLvl=999
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMsgRights(Buffer&)] minMsgInterval=0
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseBuddyRights(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYBUDDY), TODO: Ignoring Buddy Rights
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseLocateRights(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYLOCATION), TODO: Ignoring location rights
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMyUserInfo(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYINFO) Ignoring OWN user info, gotAllRights=4
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYROSTER) received contactlist, length=17
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] Read server-side list-entry. name='', groupId=0, id=1, type=4, TLV length=5
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] visibility setting = Block only users in the invisible list from seeing you
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] Adding Group 1 (ICQ)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] Adding Contact '98027323' to group 1 (ICQ)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] UNKNOWN TLV(104), length=0
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)]
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseRosterData(Buffer&)] Finished getting contact list, timestamp=1069707384
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendSSIActivate()] SEND (CLI_ROSTERACK), sending SSI Activate
kopete: [void OscarAccount::slotGotServerBuddyList(AIMBuddyList&)] account='234276432'
kopete: [virtual void OscarAccount::addServerContact(AIMBuddy*)] Called for '98027323'
kopete: [virtual void OscarContact::syncGroups()] : Getting current oscar group 0 ...
kopete: [virtual void OscarContact::syncGroups()] : Could not get current Oscar group for contact
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseSSIRights(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYLISTS) IGNORING
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseSSIRights(Buffer&)] gotAllRights==7
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendInfo()] Called.
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendLocationInfo(const QString&, long unsigned int)] SEND (CLI_SETUSERINFO/CLI_SET_LOCATION_INFO)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendLocationInfo(const QString&, long unsigned int)] adding capabilities, size=16
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendMsgParams()] SEND (CLI_SETICBM)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendICQStatus(long unsigned int)] SEND (CLI_SETSTATUS)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendChangeVisibility(unsigned char)] Visibility already set to value \x04, aborting!
kopete: [void OscarSocket::fillDirectInfo(Buffer&)] IP=, Port=4443
kopete: SEND (CLI_READY) sending client ready, end of login procedure.
kopete: ===========================================
kopete: ===========================================
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendReqOfflineMessages()] SEND (CLI_REQOFFLINEMSGS), requesting offline messages
kopete: [WORD OscarSocket::sendCLI_TOICQSRV(short unsigned int, Buffer&)] SEND (CLI_TOICQSRV), subcommand=60
kopete: [WORD OscarSocket::sendCLI_TOICQSRV(short unsigned int, Buffer&)] snacid=1, toicqsrv_seq=2, tlvLen=10
kopete: [void OscarSocket::startKeepalive()] Creating keepaliveTimer
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMyUserInfo(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYINFO) Parsing OWN user info
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseSRV_FROMICQSRV(Buffer&)] commandlength=9, ourUIN='234276432', subcmd=66, sequence=2
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendAckOfflineMessages()] SEND (CLI_ACKOFFLINEMSGS), acknowledging offline messages
kopete: [WORD OscarSocket::sendCLI_TOICQSRV(short unsigned int, Buffer&)] SEND (CLI_TOICQSRV), subcommand=62
kopete: [WORD OscarSocket::sendCLI_TOICQSRV(short unsigned int, Buffer&)] snacid=2, toicqsrv_seq=3, tlvLen=10
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::connect()] accountId='234276432'
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::setStatus(long unsigned int, const QString&)] new status=0, old status=0
kopete: [const long unsigned int ICQAccount::fullStatus(long unsigned int)] ORing with show ip flag
kopete: [virtual void ICQAccount::setStatus(long unsigned int, const QString&)] calling sendICQStatus(), outgoingStatus=131072
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendICQStatus(long unsigned int)] SEND (CLI_SETSTATUS)
kopete: [void OscarSocket::sendChangeVisibility(unsigned char)] Visibility already set to value \x04, aborting!
kopete: [void OscarSocket::fillDirectInfo(Buffer&)] IP=, Port=4443
kopete: [void OscarSocket::parseMyUserInfo(Buffer&)] RECV (SRV_REPLYINFO) Parsing OWN user info