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Wednesday, January 21st 2004, 8:06pm

Flash plugin

how do you install macromedie flash and shockwave on KDE's browser.
i tried on mozzila, didn't work,

KDE Rocks!


Thursday, January 22nd 2004, 11:17am

You have to go in "Settings > Configure Konqueror", and in the pugins section, check that the directory (on gentoo it is /usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins/, if you don't know the directory try to search where is installed the flashplayer is in the scan folder section. Click on "Scan for new plugins", and then check that it appears in the plugins list.


Thursday, January 22nd 2004, 11:29am

Cool, Thanks, i'll try it soon.

sorry i had to make my first post so quik and short, i was in a hurry while writing it... heh, like now! buhbye and thanks again!
KDE Rocks!


Friday, January 23rd 2004, 12:13am

cool! it worked! (not the flash plugin though )

so what are the differences between the display managers?

KDE Rocks!


Sunday, January 25th 2004, 6:22pm

I think you mean the file manager and browser. Konqueror is used as both. So they would be the same thing.
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