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Original von hartlandcat
I'd feared that it wasn't possible as I'd read a message on another forum that "Konqueror was the worst browser ever, because it doesn't antialias fonts".
Original von hartlandcat
Hmmm, I did that... but the fonts still look horrendous.
Original von hartlandcat
Where do I get better fonts from? Is there any way of downloading Windows fonts for Linux? It's just that very few websites include Linux fonts on their pages, so it gets a bit boring seeing everything in Helvetica all the time.
Original von hartlandcat
Unfortunately, yes I do have Windows installed on four of my computers. So basically, I can just copy the Windows fonts on to disk and then install them in Linux? Where's the Linux font folder?
The current fonts I have, even with antialiasing switched on, at sizes over about 12pt the letter "o" looks like a cog in Konqueror (and probably other programs as well).
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