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Thursday, July 24th 2003, 8:25pm

kmail status symbols explained where?

Hello everybody!
Can someone please point me to a list of mail status symbols used in kmail (red dot, green dot, etc) and their explanation? I didn't find any in the documentation. Thank you!


Thursday, July 24th 2003, 9:41pm

Right-clickon the message and then select "Mark Message." This will list all the symbols and what they mean.


Friday, July 25th 2003, 1:36am

Thank you very much for the quick answer. It worked alright. Yet there are still 2 symbs I get, beside the explained ones. I just read that I cannot load a snapshot up in this replay, so I'll try it in words: They are 2 different types of question marks. They disappear imediatly after clicking on the message. Any clue on this?