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Friday, July 18th 2003, 3:21pm

Setting up cable modem & router

I have a Zoom Cable modem and a Linksys 54G router. Can anyone help me with any specific steps I can use to set up my machine through KDE?


Tuesday, July 22nd 2003, 3:59pm

through kde i'm not sure. mandrake has a gui network configuration module for X, what distro are you using? in any case, it should be fairly easy through the console. connect the modem to the "wan" slot in your linksys, and your computer to one of the other slots. you need to know the ip address your router wants to be (my linksys is so i'll assume thats yours, just change that if its not).
as root:
ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
route add -net default gw

and you should be up and running. depending on what distro you have, there should be configuration files in /etc somewhere to put this information in.