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Wednesday, May 7th 2003, 3:57pm

Permanent Desktop Sharing

I was wondering if there were any plans for the desktop sharing component to enable custom settings, instead of picking password for you and only allowing a 5 minute window for connecting, before sharing is disabled again.

Because of this, I use the real or tight vnc server so I can access my desktop @ home anytime during the day. This computer is behind a firewall and port-forwarding is used to forward vnc traffic to this computer, using a completely different port number than 59xx to thwart any "war dialing" attempts.

However, by using a vnc server, instead of kde's mini-vnc, I cannot view the same desktop session I have @ home. I would like to be able to turn on kde's desktop sharing permanently (until I turn it off) and be able to set my own password.

I know that the desktop sharing component is very new, but it would be great if it allowed more custimization/permanent settings instead of issuing temporary sessions with auto-generated passwords.