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Sunday, July 18th 2004, 9:45am

Kmail deletes no old mail in remote home directory


I'm running KMail 3.2 (Suse 9.0) by having my home- directory on a remote nfs-server.

I can delete mails, compress all folders, empty trashcan and clean up during exiting KMail, but whenever I get a systemclock- timegap between my local PC and the remote server (which happens unfortuanelly sometimes), Kmail comes up with the message "Index of inbox seems to be outdated. The index file will be re-created. Some already deleted messages may be appear again".

And, badly, that's true - ALL old messages appears again, also if I do the compress/empty trash/clean up cycles several times before, and I can delete all these hundreds of old mails again...

Has anybody an idea, how the deleted mails can really physically removed from the disk that this can not happened again??

Thanks in advance
