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Monday, March 8th 2004, 9:13pm

Korganizer and Reminders

Does anyone know of a way in Korganizer or Kontact (KDE 3.2) to make it so that every time I create a new event, it automatically sets it so I will be given a reminder. Right now, I need to remember to click on the reminder box and I keep forgetting. I would just like to make it default that I will be reminded about an event five minutes before the event happens.



Thursday, May 6th 2004, 1:13am

I too would like to know this. I am just playing with some KDE apps for basically the first time. I have always ran Fluxbox and didn't usually even install KDE or Gnome.

Kontact seems to be an excellent piece of software, though a little immature but I am sure that will change. I will be searching around and will let you know if I figure it out. There are a few things I need to get going to truely make use of Kontact.