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Saturday, April 17th 2004, 5:48am

kde application for managing note-taking for research?


I'm gearing up to write my MA thesis. I need a good linux-based program that will allow me to organize my notes from various sources. Something like the digitial equivalent of the 3x5" note card. It would be cool if it was organizable by category, and could reference sources in BibTeX format... Anybody know of any software like this? What do people use to organize their research?





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Saturday, April 17th 2004, 6:59pm

Try KNotes, not sure if it can do categories.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Sunday, April 18th 2004, 11:09pm

Or try KJots. I'm not sure if it's included in the default KDE, but it's here on Mandrake 9.2. You can categorize notes into "books." KNotes is very a simple, and I just use to write down my daily homework when I come home from school in columns numbered by my periods, and I just delete the entry when I've completed that assignment. Works well for me since I can keep it in the system tray and not on my task bar.
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