Original von kharkoma
I'm read this doc http://docs.kde.org/en/HEAD/kdepim/kmail/the-anti-spam-wizard.html
but docs mention however, even the KDE 3.2.1 with SID, it is not in the Kmail anywhere!
And the question is: ¿kmail does have an anti-spam wizard? ¿where it is?
TIA Kharkoma
The doc URL you've cited contains the word "HEAD" which
means it documents the development version.
In https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kdepim-users/2004-January/000096.html
Ingo Klöcker states that they are working on a wizard.
That was in January.
AFAIK it didn't make it into KDE 3.2(.1). I expect it to be in the
next release of the kde-pim module which will come
out separately at some point *between* KDE 3.2 and KDE 3.3.
In the meantime maybe you can get it to work on your own: