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Monday, March 31st 2003, 11:11pm

KMail Pop filtering - won't delete when told to

I've setup a small set of pop filters, to prune out garbage mail from my mailbox. If I set the action on the filters to download later, and toggle the 'Always show...' option, the mail I want deleted is spotted and listed. If I choose to delete the mail from there, it never hits kmail, but is left on the remote server. If I set the action of the filter to delete from server, again it never hits kmail, but is also never deleted from the server.

I would also like kmail to eliminate all mail older than 10 days, but it seems that it only examines 'new' mail, so unless I walk away for 11 days and then check, it'll never see any older than 10, leaving it all to fester and rot in my mailbox.
