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After installation you have to set some variables allowing your system to find
KDE binaries and libraries and KDE to allow to find its own files, for Bash:
export QTDIR=~/kde3.3.1
export KDEDIR=~/kde3.3.1
export KDEDIRS=~/kde3.3.1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/kde3.3.1/lib
export PATH=~/kde3.3.1/bin:$PATH
Setting KDEHOME too, e.g. "export KDEHOME=~/.kdetest", will tell KDE to save
your settings to this directory and leave default ~/.kde directory unaffected.
Try this:
Create a file in /etc/X11/wmsession.d/ called 20KDE3.1
and put the following in it:
DESC=The K Desktop Environment
EXEC=/home/(your user name)/bin/startkde
exec /home/(your user name)/bin/startkde
(don't put the lines in it.)
And then, create a file in /usr/bin/ called "startkde3.1" (must exactly match).
next, chmod +x /usr/bin/startkde3.1, so it's executable, then edit it and put in the following:
export PATH=/home/(your user name)/bin/:$PATH
export PATH=(path to Qt)/bin:$PATH
export KDEDIR=/home/(your user name)/
export QTDIR=(path to Qt)
/home/(your user name)/bin/startkde
I forgot: to have kdm apply these changes, do the following command as root:
, and then in kdm, choose "Menu : Restart X Server".
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