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Tuesday, August 17th 2004, 9:08pm

ksysguard sensors

Until now I have been using gkrellm for my monitoring needs. It is the last gtk application I use and I want KDE totally. So ksysguard is the thing.
However the only ACPI sensor I can choose is battery at the moment. My plan would be to write a sensor that would graph /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ATF0/temperature. This shouldn't be to hard, since the kernel neatly supplies you with these values without lm_sensors.
Now, where do the sensor files go, when compiled, and is there maybe a little shortcut to writing this? i8k.c looked about right to orient myself on this, but a bit overly complex...
anyway, I would be extremely grateful for any information reading sensors for ksysguard, since google stayed quite on that one.