Original von Ivo Feizelmeier
I want to install ksnapshot on my linux system. I use the KDE 3.1.1. I have the information that ksnapshot is connected to the kdegraphics package. When using the yast installation tool I can find some packages which start with kdegraphics3..., all of these are already installed, but I cannot find kdegraphics. Perhaps somebody can help me which steps I have to take to install the ksnaphot utility.
Thank you
Ivo Feizelmeier
SuSE puts this normally under /opt/kde3/bin/ksnapshot .
Do you have this file?
In my version 3.3.0beta2 (ok, it's not the same KDE version but the package is created by SuSE, too, so this may be a clue) it's in the regular kdegraphics3 package (plus the version number, of course).