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Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 9:13pm

Help!!!!, trying to create a locked down desktop

Hello All,

I am very new to Linux & KDE so please bear with me. I am trying to create a locked down desktop for a number of my users. ( Suse 8.0 SP 3 / KDE 3.0.3 ) I only want to show icons for a few business applications, NO right click capabilities, minimal Panel bar consisting of nothing more than the Clock, Lock/Logout Applet, Taskbar,.

Via the Look & feel tab for the desktop, I was able to disable the right click button for the desktop only. By right clicking the lower panel, I was able to manipulate the Applets, Buttons, Special Buttons to get the desktop to look as I wanted it to.

Now, the problems I still have are where is this desktop configuration saved so I can apply it to specific users ( is it .xsession and Xsession files? )

Also, after making the necessary changes, I still have RIGHT Click capabilities on the Panel ( only on Panel, not on the desktop) so I could go in & alter the Panel with al lof the buttons & applets, how do I lock this out?

Can I lock out the RIGHT click from the icons on the desktop also?

Thanks in advance for your support,




Posts: 81

Location: Helsinki, Finland

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Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 9:23pm


If you are not familiar with the kiosk, you might find some info from here , it may help you to lock down desktops.
Siili teki maalin.



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

Occupation: Software Developer

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Saturday, June 19th 2004, 7:48pm

There is also a mailinglist kde-kiosk and a GUI tool for amanging Kiosk features:

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