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Sunday, February 8th 2004, 5:27pm

KDE 3.2 freezes


I just upgraded my KDE 3.1 to KDE 3.2 and since than I experience some problems with the kicker:
If I click on the kicker and try to start a programme than KDE freezes. I can still move the mouse but clicking anywhere doesn't lead to anything.

After some minutes (or pressing CTRL + ALT) everything work's again. Anyway the programme I tried to launch hasn't started. Sometimes I have to try three to four times till a programme really starts.

Additionall if I have a bash open I get from time to time messages like these:
[code:1]QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used[/code:1]
(this message I do not only get ones but four times in a row)
[code:1]Mutex destroy failure: Das Gerät oder die Ressource ist belegt[/code:1]
(The German part of the error message says: "The device or the ressource is in use")
This is really very anoying! :roll:

My distro is Fedora Core 1 with an 2.4.22 kernel.

I would be very glad if anybody could help! :D

If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.


Sunday, February 8th 2004, 9:40pm

I have no solution to this, but just wanted to add that on my system, Suse 8.2, kernel 2.4, Kde 3.2 is also freezing. Same thing too: I can move the mouse, even click on a web link in firebird and go to the site, but the keyboard is dead and I can't launch any programs. After a few minutes, it comes back up again. Strange.

I suspect this is a kicker problem too, but I'm not sure and don't really know how to do some tests to figure out the problem here.



Monday, February 9th 2004, 6:06am

Hi Lawrence,


Original von lawrencegoodman

I have no solution to this, but just wanted to add that on my system, Suse 8.2, kernel 2.4, Kde 3.2 is also freezing.

on first sight I thought it was my fault beeing to stupid to install KDE from rpms correctly but your post gives me hope that this maybe is a bug in KDE. :)

I opened a BUG-REPORT maybe you could vote for this bug or add a comment if you have any idea on how to reproduce or how to solve the bug.



P.S. Even though I searched the Bug database before opening a new bug there obviously is already a bug-report dealing with that problem. :oops:
I changed the link to the originial bug-report.
If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.


Tuesday, February 10th 2004, 2:56pm

i experience the same problem. when i use any menu in kicker, there is a chance of about 20% that i have to press alt || esc to defreeze kicker. anything else is running fine.

i'm running Suse 9, kernel 2.4 and just updated to kde 3.2 via rpms.

can someone tell me where i can see kicker debugging output?


Monday, February 23rd 2004, 10:05pm

Just wanted to mention that I had solved this problem on my system rather easily. It was simply a matter of removing certain applets/application buttons from the kicker. I got rid of Kick-Pim and then klipper, and now I don't have any problems (a few days now).

Here is also another temporary fix:
use kalarm to constantly run the command "dcop kicker Panel restart". Yes, I know this is not ideal, but it works if you set the command to run every minute or so and when I was doing it, I certainly never noticed and it didn't affect my system in any way I could see.
