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Saturday, February 21st 2004, 10:09pm

kdebase-3.2 compilation fails: "..."dtd/kdex.dtd&

I'm currently using kde-3.1.4 under LFS-4.0. I've compiled and installed QT-3.3.0, arts-1.2.0, and kde-libs-3.2.0, but when I try to compile kdebase-3.2.0, I get the error:

/opt/kde/kde-3.2.0/bin/meinproc --check --cache index.cache.bz2 ./index.docbook
./index.docbook:12: warning: failed to load external entity "dtd/kdex.dtd"

My libxml2 and libxslt are above the versions specified as needed for kde-3.2, and I have QTDIR and KDEDIR set to /opt/qt/qt-3.3.0 and /opt/kde/kde-3.2.0, respectively (those are the directories that qt-3.3.0 and kde-3.2.0 are being installed in).

The file that meinproc seems to want is in /opt/kde/kde-3.2.0/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/dtd, but I can' t say for sure because I don't understand what's trying to occur here. Any help would be appreciated.


Monday, February 23rd 2004, 3:58pm

I was using libxml2-2.4.26. The bug mentioned on the KDE page causes the error mentioned in my above post.