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Kdeinit fails to start kwin on 3rd screen
I finally got kdm (from Suse 9.0 on Dell PowerEdge 600SC) to display on my 3-screen display server (Sun Ultra 30 running Solaris 9). Everything on the first screen (ultra30:0.0) and second (ultra30:0.1) is started as expected, but on the 3rd screen (ultra30:0.2) kdeinit fails to start kwin (the kwins for the first 2 screeds are listed in the output of "ps lxwww", but there is no kwin for the third screen, no window frames around applications on the 3rd screen etc. This means that on the 3rd screen I cannot resize or move application windows, control keyboard focus and so on. Is this controlled by a file? Which one? Is this documented somewhere, or is it a bug?
Adam Reed
Context matters. Seldom does _anything_ have only one cause.
Kwin on third screen
Never mind - after starting it manually once (from another screen) it now starts automatically OK.
Adam Reed
Context matters. Seldom does _anything_ have only one cause.