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Original von Tillus
1. What does it mean really, that X does not have to display the graphics with the characteristics the klient wants,
but only has to treat it as if it had those chracteristics?
Original von Tillus
2. When I use ls -1 the system reports 8 files and shows 2, but when I use -al the system reports 132 files and
shows 42 (including dot-files). Why does it only report a total of 8 files if there is 132, and why, when using -al,
does it only show 42 files, when it should show all?
Original von Tillus
3. When reading about Linux you are told that when using ls -al Linux will not give the size of the directory,
but rather the size of its control file or such. What does it mean?
Original von Tillus
4. When I wrote popd I accidentally used a '- sign and all of a sudden the prompt wouldn't let me put in commands.
My user name and location ([...]$) disappeared and was replaced with a >-sign. When I got out of it the prompt
listed all the commands saying 'command not found'. What happened?
Original von Tillus
5. Many questions...soon to be done.
Original von Tillus
6. Why does Linux report so many directories (what seems lik the hole /) when I'm trying to look for a directory
with find, before printing it at the end, and also all of its contents, or or when there just isn't any hits?
And why do I get a find error message saying the directory or file doesn´t exist, when it has actually found
it for me already?
Original von Tillus
7. When I use locate on 'time', why does it list all those files and directories that doesn't even have 'time'
in their names?
Original von Tillus
8. Why doesn't always grip provide all the hits to a given search pattern?
Original von Tillus
9. Why is it that find won't provide anything, not even an error message when i ommit the '.???' in the filename,
but locate finds it in a snap?
Original von Tillus
Thanks for your patience and time. There is only one question left and that is: How do I know wich
version of KDE I'm using and can I choose to upgrade just KDE, Linux or X or other instead of installing
a whole new package?
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