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Tuesday, September 16th 2003, 3:48pm

Mandrake8.1, nvidia upgrade, lost kde

Installed mdk on an underpowered pc.

KDE worked, but it was unbelievably s-l-o-w because not enough memory on the graphics card.

Added nvidia gforce4 with 64m, which forced upgrade to XFee86 release 4.3 (from release 3.x).

Now kde doesn't work at all. The system does not recognize the command "kde" or any variant. startx fires up twm (ugh) but that's all I can get!

Mandrake help is impossible/useless.

Can anyone tell me the entries required in specific files from startx (xinit) to final launch of kde?

I suspect that a library is incompatible (XFree 3 to XFree 4), or a link is broken, or something beyond my limited self training to resolve.
