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Friday, April 25th 2003, 4:37pm

Fixing fonts under 3.1


I am using RedHat 7.3, and I finally managed to install KDE3.1 using Garnome
I built it in folder ~/garnome/
adding some bits in kdm I was able to fire up the desktop but all the fonts are missing; the desktop icons have their names, but everything else is replaced with underscores that run all width of the screen.

Has anybody have a clue of what might be causing this, and how I can fix it?

As soon as I can make a screenshot I'll post it.

Thanx in advance


here is the screenshot

As you can see, I opened my home directory, a Kwrite, and a Konsole:
the text in the Kwrite window shows, but the menu and everything else does not.

The icons in the homefolder have now underscores for names and they run too
wide, even though the filenames themselves are small

The Konsole window suffers the same thing in its menubar, and also the actual
text written inside it does not show.

I hope someone can help me with this.